6 Important Health Screening Questions: Answered by a Doctor

If you’re new to health screening, you may be wondering why you need a health screening even if you feel as fit as a fiddle?

A health screening gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you’re as healthy as you think you are. On the flip side, a health screening also helps identify if you’re at risk or have a disease or medical condition that you may not be aware of.

Some medical conditions don’t show symptoms and you may not realize they’re affecting your health until a later stage, but with a health screening, these conditions can be caught early. This gives you the advantage of addressing health issues and getting the necessary treatment before they progress.

If you’re new to health screening, we understand that you likely have questions, including how to get started and deciding which package is right for you. We’ve got all the answers to your health screening questions below.

1. There are so many health screening packages available. How do you choose the right one?


Health screening packages are usually divided into two categories – basic and comprehensive. Basic health screening packages check for common health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and high cholesterol levels. These packages are a good choice for younger patients and those with no family history of hereditary medical conditions.

On the other hand, comprehensive health screening is a more in-depth package that checks for more medical conditions, in addition to the basic health screening package.

Choosing the right health screening package largely depends on your health needs. Some factors to consider that will help you weigh your options include:

  • Your age
  • Family health history
  • Personal health history

Don’t worry, there’s no such thing as choosing the wrong package, but if you need help deciding, our team is always here to help.

2. Saya baru saja memasuki usia 30-an. Apakah saya perlu melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan secara menyeluruh?

Healthy individuals below the age of 40 can opt for the basic health screening package, unless you have health issues or are advised by a health professional.

The health screening package is slightly different for men and women. Below is a table to give you a better idea:

Recommended forRecommended screening types
Men and women under 40 years of ageFasting blood glucose/HbA1c
Cholesterol profile
Blood pressure
Body mass index
Kidney function
Liver function
Thyroid function
Hepatitis A & B screening
Resting ECG
Urine analysis
Chest X-ray
Women over 25 years of age who are sexually activePap smear

3. I have never had a health check-up before and I am in my 40s. I understand that I should have regular health check-ups at this age. How do I get started?

It’s never too late to schedule your first health screening and to get you started, here’s some information about health screenings you should consider at this age.

A more comprehensive health screening package is recommended for individuals over the age of 40. Additional screening options include:

Additional examinationDeskripsi
Tumor markersAlso known as cancer markers, these health screenings can identify the risk of certain types of cancer such as colon, nasal, liver, pancreatic, breast and ovarian.
Heart health checkHeart health This screening can detect any abnormalities related to your heart health. A heart health screening will involve an electrocardiogram (ECG) which measures the electrical activity of your heart while you are at rest and doing vigorous activity.
Bone Mineral Density (BMD) testA BMD test evaluates your bone health. As you age, your risk of bone loss increases and eventually, this leads to osteoporosis. With the help of a BMD test, you will be able to take control of your bone health, which is essential for maintaining your independence as you age.
Breast health checkBreast cancer is the most common cancer in women in Singapore. Breast ultrasound and mammograms are recommended for women over the age of 40. Breast health screening will be able to identify and differentiate between cancerous and benign lumps in your breasts. Annual breast health screening is recommended for women aged 40 – 49 years and every 2 years is recommended for those aged 50 years and above.

There are additional ultrasound and MRI tests that you can choose as well. The risk of some medical conditions does increase as you age and one of the best ways to monitor your health is to have regular health checks. This is also why a more comprehensive package is recommended.

To get started, at your first health check, you can make an initial appointment.

4. If no health problems are detected at my first health check, do I need to schedule regular health checks?

It feels good to have peace of mind and know for sure that you are healthy. After receiving this news, as you can see, health checks are important to give you a better understanding of your health. This is why regular health checks are recommended. During your health check review, you can use this opportunity to discuss the appropriate schedule for your next health check with your doctor.

5. How do I prepare for my first health check?

Preparing yourself well for your first health screening will help you stay calm. Here are some tips to help you have a smooth experience:

  • Get plenty of rest the night before as lack of sleep can affect your blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Avoid all alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours before your scheduled health screening.
  • Fasting may be required for some health screenings such as abdominal ultrasounds and blood tests. If you are required to fast, avoid food and drink (except water) for at least 8 – 10 hours before your appointment.
  • Depending on the health screening package you choose, it can take up to a full day to complete a series of tests. Allocate enough time in your schedule to prevent unnecessary stress.

If you are menstruating or pregnant, please inform our staff or doctor.

Lastly, prepare your personal documents for registration such as NRIC, letter from the company or employee card. You can do this the night before to avoid hassle on the morning of the appointment.

6. Apakah dokter akan mendiskusikan hasil tes dengan saya?

Yes, you can ask your doctor to review your health screening report with you. During the review, feel free to ask questions or clarify with your doctor to gain a better understanding of your results. Some questions you may want to consider asking are:

  • Are the results normal?
  • Do I need additional testing?
  • What can I do to stay healthy?
  • When is my next health screening?

If a health issue is detected during your health checkup, don’t worry, you will be well-guided on what steps to take next. You may be asked to undergo additional tests or referred to a specialist to assist you in addressing the issue.

Health checkups at all stages of your life will help you understand your health better and take charge of your health. Health checkups should not be a one-time thing as they are one of the best ways to know if your health is in good shape. It is never too early or too late for adults to schedule a health checkup. This is one of the first steps you can take to help you maintain your fitness and health with the guidance of a medical professional.